
Quant Mutual Fund's AUM has touched Rs 94,000 crore

Quant Mutual Fund (MF), which was under investigation by SEBI for a front-running case, informed unit holders that the assets under management (AUM) and net asset values ​​(NAV) of most schemes hit a record high till July. The fund's AUM crossed Rs 94,000 crore till July 12.

The fund house communicated this information to investors via mail on Saturday, clarifying SEBI's investigations into the top allegations. Despite experiencing net inflows of Rs 696 crore and net equity outflows of Rs 877 crore during the last three weeks, the fund's AUM is at an all-time high. AUM rising to Rs 94,000 crore is a significant milestone for the mutual fund house. However, investors were also informed about the investigation initiated by the market regulator into the leading allegations against the company.
എയുഎം 94,000 കോടി രൂപയിലേക്ക് ഉയർന്നത് മ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ട് ഹൗസിൻ്റെ സുപ്രധാന നാഴികക്കല്ലാണ്. എന്നിരുന്നാലും, കമ്പനിക്കെതിരായ മുൻനിര ആരോപണങ്ങളിൽ മാർക്കറ്റ് റെഗുലേറ്റർ ആരംഭിച്ച അന്വേഷണത്തെക്കുറിച്ചും നിക്ഷേപകരെ അറിയിച്ചു.

"The data collection by the regulator was not part of a "routine process". Rather, it was "part of a court-approved search and seizure proceeding in connection with the ongoing investigation initiated by SEBI," Quant MF said in an email to investors.

"The high risk adjusted returns generated by our schemes are consistent with our dynamic money management style," the mutual fund house said in its communication. "Less than 1% of their AUM has been outflows recently, with net inflows of Rs 696 crore and net equity outflows of Rs 877 crore. These figures are paltry compared to their current AUM of Rs 94,000 crore.

Their liquidity situation remains "extremely healthy," with "more than 54% of assets liquid, including large-cap stocks, T-Bills, G-Secs, gold and silver." The fund house clearly indicated,

As per June portfolio (last available data with ACE MF), Quant MF's total assets under management stood at Rs 90,625 crore. AUM of quant schemes increased compared to May. Quant small cap funds posted the highest increase in asset base, rising by Rs 1,724 crore to take total AUM to Rs 22,967 crore in June, as against Rs 21,242 crore in May.

The quant mid-cap fund's AUM stood at Rs 8,747 crore in June, compared to May's AUM of Rs 7,952 crore, with inflows of Rs 794 crore.

Till June 2024, the debt schemes managed by the fund house received investments ranging from Rs 0.76 crore to Rs 2.56 crore, the lowest among its mutual fund schemes. The fund house manages about 27 mutual fund schemes.







July 15, 2024



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