Most of us have credit cards for a variety of reasons. Some credit cards offer special discounts for certain commodities while some cards provide special cashbacks and discounts for online purchases. Additionally there are cards that are issued by certain e-commerce platforms. These cards give you additional discounts and cashbacks on that particular platform. Apart from these there are certain cards that give assured cashback and other offers while buying gadgets online. Lets see some of those cards;
I. Amazon Pay ICICI Credit Card
This card gives the prime members an additional 5% cashback while non prime members get 3% cashback on amazon purchases. Because of the same, these cards are great for buying electronics from amazon. A perk about this card is that there is no joining or annual fee.
II. Cashback SBI Card:
This one is an in demand card of all times because it gives 5% cashback on all online purchases. The card has a joining fee of Rs.999 but it is waived if you spend ₹2 lakh in the preceding year.
III. HDFC Bank Millennia Credit Card:
This card gives you 5% cashback on online platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra for gadget purchases. Additionally there is a one percent cashback on all other categories. There is a joining fee of Rs 1000 and annual fee of Rs 1000 as well.
IV. Flipkart Axis Bank Credit Card:
This card gives you 5% cashback on Flipkart purchases and 4% on merchants such as swiggy, PVR, Cultfir and Uber. This is an ideal choice for purchasing gadgets from flipkart. There is a joining fee of Rs.500.
V. Axis Bank ACE Credit Card:
This card gives you 5% cashback on all bill payments and recharges via google pay. Additionally you can avail a 4% cashback on platforms like Swiggy, Zomato, Ola. The card has a joining fee of Rs.499.